Friday, May 11, 2012

Willow pods!

I just rediscovered these wonderful little things, while going through some photos of old work, I thought it best that I share them:

Back in 2010 I worked with the Sir John Moore Foundation in Derbyshire, I've ran workshops with the foundation and at the school here many times, Izaak (my son) and I even had guitar lessons here for a term.
It is an incredible set up, the building itself is Grade I listed. Originally built by Sir John to provide education for what was then an all boys school, now the building houses the Appleby Magna Primary school.
The foundation running beside this delivers a diverse programme of events and weekly clubs to the community and as part of this designed and built with me, these pods!

They're based on the form of some dissected medicine bottles discovered on an archaeological dig onsite. The portholes in the pods have been strategically woven to provide views of the buildings and grounds.

One of the pods has even had a trip out to Nottingham's Light Festival and they've also been used within the castle grounds as a backdrop for the musical crew from the foundation.

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